Thinking without Borders
Inspired by David Hume and Duns Scotus
Welcome to Thinking Without Borders
· Why do we need to think?
· How often do we really question things?
· When is there time to give thought and reflection to matters of the day that affect our lives?
If you find as we do, that life’s pressures often prevent you from getting a bit of space to think issues through – then let us encourage you to pause and come and join us for one of our events where we can think, question and reflect together in a convivial and friendly atmosphere.
What is Thinking Without Borders?
Thinking Without Borders is a small organisation inspired by two of the world’s most influential philosophers, David Hume and John Duns Scotus who lived only seven miles apart in in Chirnside and Duns, Berwickshire, albeit several hundred years apart. Both of them had the ability to think for themselves and question matters that were considered unquestionable in their day. Thinking outside the accepted parameters of their time, each shone much needed light into dark corners bringing different forms of enlightenment that helped create the modern world as we know it and continues to influence thinkers today.
Thinking together in convivial contexts
David Hume was renowned, amongst other things, for enjoying the company of friends through sharing food and drink and discussing and debating challenging issues of his day. So in similar vein we invite you too, to our annual conference or ‘Think-In’ and annual David Hume Dinner where speakers can help us to think, question and reflect together in realistic ways on the chosen subject of the day. Whilst we do not begin to claim to have anything like the good minds of Hume and Scotus, it is in thinking together, sparked and led by some inspiring speakers, that each of us may be re-challenged in our understandings and outlooks.
How and what?
Our subjects are those that matter to us today. We are inclusive of all ideas and expressions whether intellectual, imaginative and creative, or secular or sacred. Albeit that our organisation is inspired by Hume and Scotus, our subjects will not necessarily be linked to either philosopher. We will, however, aim to follow their example in questioning and thinking outwith the borders of standard traditional opinion and thought.
More scope for imaginative thinking, questioning & reflection
We are beginning to devise other events to stimulate imagination and thinking for people of all ages through music, drama, painting, poetry and a range of other arts as well as the sciences, engineering and by other means.
Inspired by enlightened thinkers, we too wish to think ‘without borders’ in every sense. We welcome your ideas and your involvement. Please share your thoughts with us either by email or by coming to our events.
Thinking Without Borders is a not-for-profit organisation